I am pleasantly surprised that there is much more discussion of things on blogs now days versus the QQ sessions of bad PuGs. Do not get me wrong, I love a good rant, hell I throw down one every now and then, but you have to pace yourselves or you flame out. On the subject of flaming out, I did not stop blogging, but there has been a lot going on and because I have no relationship with any of you, I do not feel I need to post something here every day just for the sake of posting something.
That being said, know that I am still reading and if you all screw up and say something I disagree with, I will be all over it like a tick on a dog's ass and you do not want me sipping your blood out of the old ass! (Meh, I do not want to sip blood out of your ass come to think about it!)
Civilization VII meta progression
1 day ago
**not Snotty, Tam, but blogger won't let me comment as myself, sigh**
I've had shockingly dull and competent pugs for ages. I'm starting to think to myself: gosh, why doesn't one of you do something terribad, I'm bored now. Well...not really.
Besides, you can always find something to QQ about if you look hard enough...
*wipes tear from eye* I missed you!!!!!
Sure you heard about the blogging family coming together....you should join us on Argent Dawn US Alliance/Argent Dawn EU Horde. Look for us on Single Abstract Noun....hope to see ya there. Again, good to see you didn't fall off the face of the earth...
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